guile meaning
guile meaning

FromLongmanDictionaryofContemporaryEnglishguileguile/ɡaɪl/noun[uncountable]formaltheuseofcleverbutdishonestmethodstodeceivesomeoneSYN ...,/gaɪl/·noun.shrewdnessasdemonstratedbybeingskilledindeception.synonyms:craft,craftiness,cunning,foxiness,sly...

Guile Definition & Meaning


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From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishguileguile /ɡaɪl/ noun [uncountable] formal the use of clever but dishonest methods to deceive someone SYN ...


/gaɪl/ · noun. shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception. synonyms: craft, craftiness, cunning, foxiness, slyness, wiliness · noun. the quality ...


n. 奸詐. 牛津中文字典. guile.

Guile Definition & Meaning

2024年4月26日 — The meaning of GUILE is deceitful cunning : duplicity. How to use guile in a sentence.

GUILE definition and meaning

Guile is the quality of being good at deceiving people in a clever way. His cunning and guile were not attributes I would ever underestimate ...

GUILE in Traditional Chinese

4 天前 — I refer to the statement that the pension system is unsatisfactory in itself and guile unsuited to modern conditions. From the. Hansard archive.

guile noun

​the use of clever but dishonest behaviour in order to trick people synonym deceit. George was a man completely lacking in guile.

GUILE | English meaning

the practice of deceiving people or using other dishonest methods to achieve your aims, or the ability to deceive people for this purpose:.

guile, n. meanings, etymology and more

Insidious cunning, deceit, treachery. †without guile: in Middle English poetry a formula = 'sooth to say'.


FromLongmanDictionaryofContemporaryEnglishguileguile/ɡaɪl/noun[uncountable]formaltheuseofcleverbutdishonestmethodstodeceivesomeoneSYN ...,/gaɪl/·noun.shrewdnessasdemonstratedbybeingskilledindeception.synonyms:craft,craftiness,cunning,foxiness,slyness,wiliness·noun.thequality ...,n.奸詐.牛津中文字典.guile.,2024年4月26日—ThemeaningofGUILEisdeceitfulcunning:duplicity.Howtouseguileinasentence.,Gui...